List of Tamil words in Shiwilu language /Jeberos/Peru
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist

clues to read Shiwilu words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v= k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add / delete letter ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once it has to read only once.
Shiwilu -English, English – Shiwilu Dictionary
English - Shiwilu- Tamil
*1.put it on- ader– iduthar;uduththuthar; anithar.
2.insert it- ader- saethhtiduthar
*3.sit on the mat- a-duker- utkaaru /sit down
* teach - ale ktuulli – solli koduththal
5.teacher- ale ktasu- solli koduththidumaasaan; solli kodu- teach; aasaan- teacher. send- apatuli -anuputhal
7. make- atulli- seithal
*8. to injure- ade klli—adi kolla/ to get injured; adi- wound/ injury.
*9.clay mixedwith bark- ekalu- kali munn/ koozhai
10. to kill by stepping on it - akitulli - mithiththu kollu ; mithi- stamp – kollu- kill .
* cook - akituli - aakkuthal; cook = aakku.
*12.cook by boiling- akusutulli – kaaichchuthal
*13.cook byboiling- akusuter -kaaichchuthar
14. grandmother- ami –amaayee; amma- mother; aayee- mother/ grandmother.
*15.stinky water- anadek- naaththam edukka- to stink; naaththamedukkum thanni; naaththam- stink; thanni- water.
16.stingy / not sharing with any one- ap erukutek - yaarkkumkodukkathu; kodukkathu- not giving.
* not share- aperkuter – yaarkuum kodukkathu iru
18. go away – apu tulli- poeaiduthal/ going
*19. rice- arus -arusi
20. to step on - atu tulli – mithiththal step on something sharp - atuter– mithiththar
22. mother- awa- awaai/ grandmother set/ sun- dalli – saaithal
*24. throw it- dekker - thookki eriya
25.path /road- dekku– kathi; letters are in reversed order.
26. mosquito – dektu;kothuku;letters are jumbled sting to draw blood - dektutulli;kothuku kadiththal / mosquito biting; kadi- bite; kothuku- mosquito.
* burn – di setili – thee iduthal; thee-fire.
29.belly /abdomen - du– unthi; thonthi; thoppai; maedu; sadu; madi.
30. moon- duker- thinkkar
*31. where- enkasek – enkkae
32.mucous- ilu -sali
33.sound- illina– oli
* jump across- inde ktulli—thaandi kuthiththal; inde- thandi; letters are in reversed order.
35.jump over- indekter - thaandi kuthiththar
*36. to talk- /converse- ini lun tulli – mozhinthiduthal
*37. talk- in lun tuka – mozhinthiduka become true- inni tuli – unmai aayiduthal
* pretend- intek - nadikka quarrel- inyutuli –sandai iduthal
* eat- kalli - kizhi
* kaker-kori
43. eater- katek – kadikka/ eat
* 44. testicle- kadu la- kottaikal – plural; kottai- testis /seed .
45. broth- kalupi- - kulampu
*46. street- kalli– akalul
*47. next- dek– aduththathaaka
*48. type of small fruit from the forest – kankell- kanikal ; kani- fruit; kanikal- fruits.
*49. to help- katupali – kai koduththal / to give a hand ;kai- hand ;kodu- give. help – katu per – kai koduththar
* hair- kerenchek– karun –j-sikai ; karu- black ;sikai- hair.
*52. sun - kekki – koa / ka
* man- kerpen- karuppan body – kerpi – karuppu yaakaki; yaakkai- body. women- ker ilun- karu lalanai; lalanai- woman.
*56. to bite- kitektulli –kadi kadiththal ; kadi- a bite; kadi- bite.
*57. to bite without killing- kitekilli -kadiththu kollu / kill by biting ; ; kollu- kill.
*58. bite/dog- kite kter- - kadi kadiththar
59. one who bites- kite ktutek – kadiththidu koodiyathaaka / can bite
60.kuaper- female – kuaper- kaarikai
61.sip – kutek– sappi kudikka; sappu -sip; kudikka- drink
*62. gold- kuri– karu
* work hard- pata ta pali - paadu paduthal; letters are jumbled.
*64. pig- kusher- kiri
65.bone- la – ellu
66. vagina- la – puzhai; penn puzhai; puzhai- hole; penn- female.
66.hole- lala – puzai
67.penis- lek – aan kazhai;linka; aan- male; kazahi- stick
68.meat –sipalu – pulaal
*69. mother-mama- amma
70.skull- mutu tek – mondai -k-koodu; letters are jumbled; mandai- head; koodu- cage.
*71. head- mutu – mandai;maedu; mudi
72.hill- mutup - moadu
73.brain- mutulu - mandai moolai; moolai- brain. cross/ pass- na ku tulli - kadanthiduthal ;
*75. swelling- waka- weekkam – wa na lu nsu – vaan oli; vaan- sky; oli- sound.
*77. to lift- utukalli – thookkuthal
*78.lip- utek- uthadukku - for the lip; uthadu- lip
*79. edge- utek- ottukku
*80. tear it-ush ker- keeru
81. clay pot - uketapi- kudam pot - wekta- - vaeka vaikkkum kudam; vaeka vaikka- to cook/ boil; kudam- pot. prepare manioc beer- ukulu tulli – kallu kaaichchuthal; kallu- toddy; kaaichchuthal -brew.
*84. beer- ukulele- kallu/ toddy
85. prepare manioc beer- ukulu ter- kallu thayarithther
* ukili- kizhamai
*87. heat /fever- uka- kaaya
*88. flooding terrain-ukalu- kaluzhi / flood
*89. hot water- ukadek – kothikkum thanni; kothikka- to boil; thanni- water.
90.continue- tupir– thodaru stay up late- tuuklli -thankuthal /to stay
92. follow - tupiter -thoadaruthar
93. to kick- tutenni- uthaiththidanum; etti uthaiththidanum
94. to polish- tula lli – thaeiththal
95. stretch- tenii – neetti; letters are in reversed order.
96. fearful - tekkualu– peethi kolla; peethi- fear; kolla-to have.
97. coward- tek kualu – kozahi aakida /to become a coward; koazhai- coward; tek- aakidu – to become; letters are in reversed order.
*98. father- tata – thanthai ; thathai ;thaatha
99.wound- taat -adi; letter ‘t’ is read only once.
100. to crow- tata lulli- oaasai iduthal; oaasai- sound.
101. to run- tekkalli—thulli oaaduka; oaaduka- run.
*102. hammock- tala- thooli / thottil
103. to become silent- tatulalli– amaithi adaithal; amaithi- silence/ peace; adaithal -attain.
104. back/ behind -supina- pin
*105. to sieve- sulatttuli- saliththal
*106. sift- sulater- salithther
* sift- sulalli- sali
108. sucking noise- su su a tulli - sappi oaasaiiduthal; sappu- suck; oaasai- noise.
*109. onion- siwella- wel ulli put inside- sida lli – ullae idu; thinithal / pack; ullae- in; idu- put; letters are jumbled.
* drip – sechatuli – sottuthal
112. to add diced manioc to food- sekkutulli - koottuthal /to add
*113. to add diced manioc to food- sekkuter– kootuthar
114.hide it- sekkiter- pathukkuthar
115. to take out the seeds of the cotton -se kkatulli – kottai yaei eduththal; kottai- seed; edu- take out.
*116. to work -se katuli- - kattuthal
117.hard /difficult- sakadek- kadinamakaa
118. happy- sakekili- makizha; kalippu
119. spoil / rotton - pukalli– paazhaaka; letters are jumbled.
* wrap – putull– pothi iduthal
* lizard- pieillilli -palli
122.back- pitek– muthuku
* whip – pisetilli - saattaiyaal adiththal; saattai- whip; adi- beat.
124. acne- pishu tutek—poduku/ dandruff
125.trough – pita – thotti make abed- pekkasatuli– paai padukkai iduthal; paai- mat; padukkai- bed; idu- put; letters are jumbled.
* that barks a lot -peklateka - kulaiththiduka / to bark
*128 to bark- pe klalli- kulai
* destroy- pekadalli- keduththal
* touch- patalli -thoduthal hard- pata ter – paadu paduthar
* drill /wood- pa tala tulli -thulai iduthal ; thulai- hole; idu- make.
133. to work- pata lli – pannuthal
134.hard worker- pata tutek –paadu paduka /to work hard.
* mash manioc- pasani– pisaiyanum
* mash manioc -pasantulli- pisainthiduthal mash manioc- pasanter– pisainthiduthar
* sting – pase ktulli- poochhcikadiththal; pooch chi- insect; kadi- bite.
* bite- pase ktulli- kadiththal
140.father- papa – appa
*141.crush it- padekter- podi aakkuthar
* crush /grind- padektuli- podi aakkuthal
*143. priest- pacher– poosaari be useful – patuli – payanadaithal; payan- use; adiaya- to have; payan ullathu- useful.
145. to do- nutuli – pannuthal do- nuter- - pannuthar
147.tongue- ninekla- ul naakku/uvula; ul- in; naakku – tongue.
*149.deer- uru-uru
*149. cry to-wellekter- azhukuthar
*150.cry to- wellekutuli- azhukuthal
*151.bury the dead – kala ili – kuzhi yila vaikka ; kuzhi- pit; vaikka- keep
*152. clothes- dun- thuni
153. become thin - shamuli– melisaa /thin; letters are jumbled.
*154. answer- na pitulli – pathil aliththal
155.late afternoon- erwa- mun eravu; mun- early; eravu- night.
*156. type of tree and its fruit- umari- maram/ tree
*157.scold- yuter- thittuther
*158. scold- yutulli– thittuthal
159.large pot- yun- paanai / pot
*160younger of a man- yalliwa- - ilaiyavan
* wiweksu- visukku viskunnu; vaeka vaekamaa
* sweep with a broom- witektulli – veettai koottuthal; veedu- house; koottuthal -sweep.
163.12 year old girl - wilalunwawa– aalanava / girl who has attained puberty.
164.vain- win- veen
*165. ear canal - wi wek lala – sevi kuzhaai; sevi- ear; kuzhaai- canal/pipe.
*166. to get lost /disappear - wetili– oaadi tholai; vittu tholaithal; tholaiya- disappear.
*167.come [ plural]- wenchaku– waankka
168.come- wekker- varuka; letters are jumbled.
* get swollen- wankani– veekkanum
*170. to get swollen - waka lli – veekkam kolla ; veekkam- swelling.
*171. to stand up – wanelli- nillu
*172.word- lala- soll
* 173.language- lala- soll
174. weave- kala tuli- kaiyaalneithal; kai- hand; neithal- weaving
175.knit- kala tuli- kaiyaal pinnuthal ; pinnu- knit
*176.seduce- tuyuter- thoonduthar
177.seducer- tuyututek – thoondiduka /seduce
*178. to say- tuli- oaathuthal
*179.raft- pun puna – punai
180.produce a rubbing noise- dada tuli – thaeiththtidum oli /rubbing noise; thaeiththidu – to rub; oli- noise.
181.path- dekku- kathi; letters are in reversed order.
182. listen- la wekli- sollaikaelau; kaelu- listen; soll- word /speech.
*183. liquid- didin- thanni to eat - iyatuli- theuiththal/ eating
185.lightening- ukuli- oil kaala; oli kaazhuthal- lightening; oli- light.
*186. lift- utukali– thookkuthal
*187.lemon /lime - llimu- elumichchai
*188.have sex- kaalli- kalavi; ka= va; va= ka.
189.fourth- inkatu asu – naankavathu; ka= va; va= ka; naanku- four
*190.find- kanani–kaana
191.fold cloth - sekkatutuli- kuttai kattuthal; kuttai- cloth; kattu – fold.
192.fold cloth - sekkater-kuttai kattuthar
*193. polish - tulaker – thulakuthar
*194.arrow/ spear- wawasapa -- waasi
195.about to bite- ya kite ktulli- kadikka poakuthal
196.type of tree and its fruit- shimbillo – puliyam pazham- tamarind; letters are jumbled; puli- tamarind; pazham- fruit.
197.stab it- pasa kter- kuththuthar / stab kill with a blow- pa ki tuli – kuththi kolai pannu; kuththu- blow; kolai- killing;pannu- do.
*199.fold- se kaktuter – kattuthar love- sakekter-anpu kaattuthar; anpu - love; kaattuthar- show work hard- sa katuli - kattuthal / to work become dawn – ukili wani – keezh vaanam velukka; keezhai- east ;vaanam- sky ; velukka- to become white/ dawn .
203.make a mistake while speaking - tuap er ker- thappa / thavara kooru; letters are jumbled; thappu- wrong; thavaru- wrong; kooru- say; ka= va; va= ka.
*204.season- ukili - kaalam roast- kektulli -vathakkuthal; ka= va; va= ka. drink soup- udektuli - sappu thanni kudiththal; sappu thanni - soup;kudiththal- drinking.
207.wrapped skirts for special occasions- ututu - madiththa aadai - wrapped dress; madi- wrap; thaeiththa aadai – ironed clothes; puththaadi – new dress; puthiya- new; aadai- dress.
208.get beer- made kter- mathu tharuvi; ka= va; va= ka; mathu/ thaem - liquor; tharuvi- get. lupa -pozhil; letters are in reversed order.
* drizzle- masala tulli -mazhai thuli – rain drops; mazhai- rain; thuli-drop
211.type of owl- makuku – kukkam drizzle - ma sa lata palli– mazhai sottu sotta pozhithal – raining in drops; mazhai -rain; sottu- drop; pozhithal- pouring; letters are jumbled. read- kirk- a illi illi- nool karkka- to read the book; nool- book; karkka- read/ learn.
214.try- intek - minduka go bad- inte killilli- kettu azhinthida; letters are jumbled. get used to -daiyatulli – oththu poaeiduthal
217. get used to / living with- daiyater- oththu poaeiduthar ask- la killi – nalla kaelu /ask in detail; kaelu – ask.
219. to remember- lli inutul - ullam ninaiththiduthal; ullam- soul; ninaiththidal- to remember.
220.remember- lli- inuter -- ullam ninaiththiduthar; ullam- heart /soul; ninaiththiduthar- remember.
*221to build a nest in the shape of a curve – kudu n wani- koodu katta vaenum – to build a nest; koodu – nest; kattu- build
* arrow-ekkunai – kanaiyaei yaevu; ka- va; va- ka; kanai -arrow; yaevu- to shoot.
* give a woman ‘s hand in a marriage - en kater – pennai katti koduththar; katti-koduththar- to get married; penn- daughter; kattu- to marry; kodu- give. give a woman ‘hand in a marriage – enkatuli – pennai katti koduththal; penn- female/ daughter; kattu koduthther- to get married.
225.vomit- en mudek - umattuka fell trees to make a field- ikektulli- kaattai azhiththal – kaadu- forest; azhiththal- to remove; kattai yaei veezhuththuthal; kattai- wood/ tree; vezha- to fall; ka= va; va= ka.
*227.water – dek- uthakam; thakadi.